
海洋資訊網 - 電子期刊

No. 刊名 出版者 備註
1101 Journal of Materiomics Elsevier 免費電子資源(DOAJ)
1102 Journal of Mechanical Engineering De Gruyter Open 免費電子資源(DOAJ)
1103 Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular Technology Indonesian Institute of Sciences 免費電子資源(DOAJ)
1104 Journal of Metallurgy Hindawi Publishing Corporation 免費電子資源(DOAJ)
1105 Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications Sociedade Brasileira de Microondas e Optoeletrã´nica; Sociedade Brasileira de Eletromagnetismo 免費電子資源(DOAJ)
1106 Journal of Middle European Construction and Design of Cars De Gruyter Open 免費電子資源(DOAJ)
1107 Journal of Mining Hindawi Publishing Corporation 免費電子資源(DOAJ)
1108 Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy Springer 免費電子資源(DOAJ)
1109 Journal of Modern Transportation Springer 免費電子資源(DOAJ)
1110 Journal of Movement Disorders Korean Movement Disorders Society 免費電子資源(DOAJ)