
海洋資訊網 - 電子期刊

No. 刊名 出版者 備註
1531 Pedagogìka, Psihologìâ ta Mediko-bìologìčnì Problemi Fìzičnogo Vihovannâ ì Sportu Kharkov National Pedagogical University 免費電子資源(DOAJ)
1532 Pedagogiko-psihologičeskie i Mediko-biologičeskie Problemy Fizičeskoj Kulʹtury i Sporta Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University 免費電子資源(DOAJ)
1533 Pediatric Urology Case Reports Ped Urol Case Rep 免費電子資源(DOAJ)
1534 PeerJ Computer Science PeerJ Inc. 免費電子資源(DOAJ)
1535 Pennsylvania Resolutions on the Boston Port Act Great Neck Publishing 租賃(ASP)
1536 Pensamiento Jurídico Universidad Nacional de Colombia 免費電子資源(DOAJ)
1537 Penta-Ocean Construction Co., Ltd. MarketLine Company Profile MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business 租賃(BSC)
1538 Peptidomics De Gruyter Open 免費電子資源(DOAJ)
1539 Per Linguam : A Journal of Language Learning Stellenbosch University 免費電子資源(DOAJ)
1540 Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN) International University of Sarajevo 免費電子資源(DOAJ)